Submission Types

There are four types of submissions for the ITC 2016 Conference.  Please note the workshop submission closes earlier than the proposal submission.

We strongly recommend that authors add to their safe senders list, and check spam/junk folders to ensure ITC 2016 Conference emails are received.
If possible, we strongly advise that you do not use Internet Explorer to make your submission as some technical issues have been experienced.  Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are all good options.


A Symposium is a multi-presenter session. Any multi-presenter session including research, practice or theory-oriented content should be submitted here. Participants in a Symposium should include a chairperson and three to four presenters. Although individual presentations within a Symposium may have all authors from the same institution, the overall session must contain presenters from at least two different affiliations so that sessions do not become “advertisements” for products or research programs from a single company or academic program. The program is intended to be science-based and inclusive for all participants. Sufficient time should be allowed for audience participation. The person submitting the symposium proposal should submit an integrated summary of the symposium along with the abstracts of the individual presentations.


Each symposium is 90-minutes long including time for questions and discussions.

Formal Submission Requirements
  1. AUTHORS: You must include all author names in the submission (this is Step 2 - Submission Metadata, add the Symposium Chair first and then click the "Add Author" button to add additional author details.)
  2. TITLE & ABSTRACT: Enter the title of the symposium here, and maximum 300 word structured abstract of the overall symposium.
  3. In the same text box, below the symposium abstract, enter the title and maximum 300 word structured abstract for each presentation within the symposium.

The abstract of the overall symposium is structured:

  • Introduction
  • Contributions
  • Conclusions

The abstract of each paper in a symposium is structured:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Design/Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Single papers will be composed of coherent groups of individually submitted papers to form a 90-minute session by the Conference Program Committee.


Each single paper presentation is 15-minutes long including time for questions and discussions.

Formal Submission Requirements

Max. 300 word structured abstract:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Design/Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Posters are short research presentations displayed on large printed boards (1.20 x 0.84 meter; portrait format). Individual posters will be clustered in poster sessions by the Scientific Committee. Poster sessions will be  60 minutes long. At each poster session, many authors simultaneously present their posters and the audience circulates and stops to discuss posters of particular interest with the authors. Presenters of the posters are kindly asked to bring handouts on their poster to the session for interested visitors.


Each poster session is 40-minutes long.

Formal Submission Requirements

Max. 300 word structured abstract:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Design/Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions


A workshop covers an important or emergent topic that is of interest to the conference participants. The workshop should also include certain modes of exercises, real examples, and/or hands-on practice. Although more than one workshop facilitator is acceptable, only one person will be designated as the leading facilitator and enumerated for travel, accommodation, and registration fee if the proposal is accepted by the Conference Program Committee.


A workshop is full-day long (6 hours) with 3 hours each in the morning and afternoon.

Formal Submission Requirements
  • Importance of the workshop topic
  • Relevance and usefulness to the conference participants
  • Background of the facilitator(s) and his/her training and experience in the proposed topic
  • Agenda for the workshop
  • Logistics and or equipment for the workshop